Case Study

Non-profit Massachusetts Hospital Sought Help Recruiting Key Physicians


Lawrence General Hospital is a private, non-profit community hospital that provides care to the Merrimack Valley and southern New Hampshire. Lawrence General has a strong reputation and generally succeeds in recruiting physicians. However, in the past several years have found recruiting physicians to be more difficult, losing many candidates to their competitors in the greater eastern Massachusetts area.



Lawrence General needed to extend their reach of physician candidates. Working with Enterprise satisfied that problem as Enterprise was able to identify both unique local and regional candidates, but more importantly passive candidates nationwide. With Enterprise’s assistance, Lawrence General was able to interview candidates whom they otherwise wouldn’t have been able to consider.



Since February 2021, Enterprise Medical Recruiting has successfully recruited 11 physicians to date with Lawrence General Hospital and have retained 100% of those physicians recruited.

“Robyn, Jennifer, and the team at Enterprise Medical Recruiting have worked collaboratively with Lawrence General Hospital over the last several years to successfully place more than 11 physicians in our institution. All providers that have been placed are still with us today. We are very grateful for the outstanding providers that Enterprise has placed with us, and look forward to our continued collaboration in recruitment efforts going forward.” – Kassandra Holgate – Director of CMA Operations – Lawrence General

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